Thursday 16 August 2012

Born and Bread

During my blogs I will not use any of our real names because of privacy to my family and friends. you can just call me Hazel
This is a photo of the mining village I was born in, during the mid fifties.
In my posts I hope to get across what it was like for me growing up in a small coal mining community. My father, (no prizes for guessing) was a coal miner and mum a 'house wife' until I started school.
I will touch on the good times and the not so cheery, I had a lot of both. And also talk about life up to now.
I was born in the mid 1950s in a small run down terrace house, the second daughter to my parents. It was a difficult home birth, coming in breach with the cord wrapped around my neck a couple of times like a nous and weighing in at under 6lbs and 3 weeks late. The doctor had given me just an hour to live at the most. But the midwife had other ideas saying 'she not lost a child yet, and she wasn't going to start now'.
I met her 23 years later after giving birth to our second daughter, she was the visiting home midwife. She had remembered my birth well, and was very pleased to see me so fit and well.
I will continue this trip down memory lane in my next blog.
Mum stayed at home until I started school at the age of 5. When she started work at the local bakery on the High Street. And there lies a story in it's self, but you will have to wait for that one.

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